Friday, March 13, 2009

Ortiz Bros. Moving & Storage

I would like to introduce a great company: Ortiz Bros. Moving & Storage

Ortiz Bros. has been around for 3 generations and has moved from small families to large companies, from local to international, and from easy to complex. They've also had the great opportunity to move for celebrities, athletes, and many other public figures.

Please take your time to visit their website and if you know of anyone who is making a move very soon, keep Ortiz Bros. in mind because "It's the Right Move"

Currently Ortiz Bros. is offering 50% off on boxes. Just present this promo code: OKI-R309

If you've ever had Ortiz Bros. move for you in the past, please submit your testimonial on this blog.

Thanks! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Loan Modifications

I'll get right to the point.

It's today's talk....Home Loan Modification.

What does it consist of? Do I qualify for it?

What about the government support? Will I be able to get help from the government?

These are all good questions, and fortunately I have some answers. Too many to type on my blog.

Educate yourself. Go to NPR website and place the follow title in their search engine:

Missing Mortgage Notes Delay Some Foreclosures

You will hear what is happening in today's market.

Leave a comment. Tell us what you think.

Contact me if you have questions.
